The Perfect Gluten Free Snacking Solution with Snackly*

Living gluten free, potato free, banana free, MSG free and artificial sweetener free can make food shopping a daunting prospect, my choices are so limited and food is something that I just do not enjoy. When I go out for a meal, it is more a case of ordering the one dish on the menu that I can safely eat rather than ordering something that I actually want to eat.

Anyone that knows me will know that I am not very good at meals. If it was up to me I wouldn't eat lunch or dinner and would instead spend the whole day snacking and grazing on food that is far too high in sugar and far too low in nutrients. This is something that I am actively trying to change, but in the meantime making small changes towards finding healthy snacks is a priority. Then I came across snackly- the an amazing company which deliver boxes of organic, healthy, gluten free snacks to your home or office every week for just £7.95. is such a cute little company, think graze box but gluten free. The company set out every month to discover healthy and indulgent gluten and wheat free snacks from independent producers around the UK, and each product is handpicked based on taste, quality and variety in order to create a box containing a mix of six different coeliac suitable treats. My box arrived last week and I have already chomped my way through the majority... it makes a lovely change having a variety of natural products to choose from rather than having to reach for a highly processed gluten free supermarket alternative.

If you fancy trying a snackly box for yourself then use code AMYELIZABETHFASHION to get 50p off your first order... Enjoy :)